When embarking on making a case for an NREN, there can be many starting points...
TransAfrican network development
The TANDEM project, funded by the European Commission, is working on...
In the Field stories: A global collaboration
This blog features fascinating stories from around the world about people and...
The importance of internet networks
Dr Lydia Chabala explains how the Zambian internet network for research and...
NRENs are essential in providing advanced ICT services to the research and education communities. Whilst they are well established in Europe, countries in other parts of the world face difficult challenges persuading stakeholders of the inherent value in operating an NREN. There is no one-size-fits-all model for a successful NREN, however, many share similar challenges and can benefit from being part of a learning and sharing community. This portal provides materials to assist NRENs, particularly novice ones, find the information, messages and tools to demonstrate their role and value, and progress towards sustainability.