Talking to your end users
Presentation by Yousif Asfour on why the establishment of an NREN is strategic for AUB and Lebanon.
ASPIRE (A Study on the Prospect of the Internet for Research and Education) provides strategic recommendations to policy and decision makers on topics likely to have a significant impact for the future of research and education networking.
A study commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2011 which explores the potential benefits of R&E networks for public libraries.
This Cookbook, authored by Robert Janz, is a guide to assess the ICT maturity level of institutions applying to join an NREN and its services. The ‘recipes’ should help an applicant to reach the entry level for NREN membership. Whilst specifically catering for ZAMREN applicants, this Cookbook contains useful guidelines for other NRENs.
This foresight study (2006-7) looked at the anticipated development of R&E networking in Europe over a 5-10 year period.
The Case for EUMEDCONNECT3 – the Lebanese perspective.
History of European Research Networking with a focus on the period 1984-1993.
Supporting document to the TANDEM project survey to develop a road-map for the development of NRENs in West and Central Africa (English).
Supporting document to the TANDEM project survey to develop a road-map for the development of NRENs in West and Central Africa (French).
Visual representation of the economic benefits of the EU-China link.
2007 paper by Olivier H. Martin on how the internet is likely to evolve over the next decade.
This report by Michael Foley on behalf of the World Bank provides guidance to governments, institutions, and development partners on how to approach the provision of ICT services to the higher education and research community in Africa.
When it seems like the end of the world is near and your researchers need unsurpassed connectivity to research and cure the COVID-19 virus, who will they turn to?
This World Bank document highlights the importance of ICT for a country and provides several examples of successful implementation.
Talking to your funders
Presentation by Yousif Asfour on why the establishment of an NREN is strategic for AUB and Lebanon.
A economic benefits analysis of the Canadian NREN CANARIE, with the purpose of investigating and quantifying the impact, in economic and monetary terms, that CANARIE has had on the Canadian economy as both an R&E network and R&D funding body.
ASPIRE (A Study on the Prospect of the Internet for Research and Education) provides strategic recommendations to policy and decision makers on topics likely to have a significant impact for the future of research and education networking.
A general overview of why countries need NRENs. Published by TERENA in 2009.
An extensive overview of the socio-economic advantages of the Brazilian NREN RNP.
A study commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2011 which explores the potential benefits of R&E networks for public libraries.
This foresight study (2006-7) looked at the anticipated development of R&E networking in Europe over a 5-10 year period.
This report scans the global NREN environment and discusses NRENs and their motivation as well as the role they play in supporting the education sector, bringing out examples that can guide the development of African NRENs as well as the opportunities and challenges such NRENs face in Africa.
The Case for EUMEDCONNECT3 – the Lebanese perspective.
History of European Research Networking with a focus on the period 1984-1993.
Proposal submitted by an expert panel to the UN in September 2015, which outlines the role of NRENs in facilitating a Technology Bank for LDCs.
This study, for the AfricaConnect project FEAST, was commissioned by the EC in 2008 to explore the feasibility of deploying a regional backbone connecting NRENs in Africa to each other and to GÉANT.
GÉANT’s development focus is targeted on the supply of demand-led value added products and services to ensure that it is best placed to continue to support the needs of the R&E community towards Horizon2020, and provide effective differentiation from commercial suppliers of networking services.
REANNZ (formerly KAREN), the New Zealand NREN, used this extensive and detailed report to successfully persuade the local government to extend financial support for the NREN.
Presentation by Michael Foley (ex-World Bank) at e-AGE17, December 2017, Cairo.
This TNC2013 presentation describes SURFnet’s current vision and describes its three main challenges: (1) Adding value over what commercial organisations deliver, (2) Reaching the end users, and (3) Connecting users to their relevant partners with IT.
Supporting document to the TANDEM project survey to develop a road-map for the development of NRENs in West and Central Africa (English).
Supporting document to the TANDEM project survey to develop a road-map for the development of NRENs in West and Central Africa (French).
An analysis of the economic value and impact of the ORIENTplus link.
Visual representation of the economic benefits of the EU-China link.
This 2003 report focuses on geographic variations and in particular on the digital divide between the most developed and least developed NRENs in wider Europe.
The SERENE program, coined as an acronym for South-South Exchange of Research and Education Network Experience, was a series of activities led by the World Bank to help South Asian participants produce country policy plans for building research networks in their own countries.
Overview of NREN development and connectivity status across Africa, provided by Michael Foley (based on the Capability Maturity Model).
Challenges and opportunities faced by Central Asian NRENs.
This report by Michael Foley on behalf of the World Bank provides guidance to governments, institutions, and development partners on how to approach the provision of ICT services to the higher education and research community in Africa.
This paper by Michael Foley from the World Bank defines what an NREN is and looks at threats and opportunities.
When it seems like the end of the world is near and your researchers need unsurpassed connectivity to research and cure the COVID-19 virus, who will they turn to?
This World Bank document highlights the importance of ICT for a country and provides several examples of successful implementation.
Talking within and among NRENs
The TNC2014 paper talks about the NREN community effort in Asia to take ownership of the regional TEIN network in TEIN4 resulting in the formation of the TEIN*CC entity.
Presentation by Yousif Asfour on why the establishment of an NREN is strategic for AUB and Lebanon.
ASPIRE (A Study on the Prospect of the Internet for Research and Education) provides strategic recommendations to policy and decision makers on topics likely to have a significant impact for the future of research and education networking.
An extensive overview of the socio-economic advantages of the Brazilian NREN RNP.
A study commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2011 which explores the potential benefits of R&E networks for public libraries.
This Cookbook, authored by Robert Janz, is a guide to assess the ICT maturity level of institutions applying to join an NREN and its services. The ‘recipes’ should help an applicant to reach the entry level for NREN membership. Whilst specifically catering for ZAMREN applicants, this Cookbook contains useful guidelines for other NRENs.
This foresight study (2006-7) looked at the anticipated development of R&E networking in Europe over a 5-10 year period.
This report scans the global NREN environment and discusses NRENs and their motivation as well as the role they play in supporting the education sector, bringing out examples that can guide the development of African NRENs as well as the opportunities and challenges such NRENs face in Africa.
The Case for EUMEDCONNECT3 – the Lebanese perspective.
History of European Research Networking with focus on the period 1984-1993.
Proposal submitted by an expert panel to the UN in September 2015, which outlines the role of NRENs in facilitating a Technology Bank for LDCs.
This study, for the AfricaConnect project FEAST, was commissioned by the EC in 2008 to explore the feasibility of deploying a regional backbone connecting NRENs in Africa to each other and to GÉANT.
GÉANT’s development focus is targeted on the supply of demand-led value added products and services to ensure that it is best placed to continue to support the needs of the R&E community towards Horizon2020, and provide effective differentiation from commercial suppliers of networking services.
REANNZ (formerly KAREN), the New Zealand NREN, used this extensive and detailed report to successfully persuade the local government to extend financial support for the NREN.
An outline of a Business Model document that has been used successfully in countries in Africa and Central Asia.
This paper by Duncan Greaves describes the typical stages of development of NRENs, which can serve as a useful guideline as to where on the scale NRENs in a region lie.
This paper authored by Dai Davies deals with the question of pricing of NREN services, illustrating how money is saved in the commercial world by ‘cutting corners’.
This paper by Dai Davies provides a checklist for a sustainable NREN by outlining organisational best practice.
Presentation by Michael Foley (ex-World Bank) at e-AGE17, December 17, Cairo.
This TNC2013 presentation describes SURFnet’s current vision and describes its three main challenges: (1) Adding value over what commercial organisations deliver; (2) Reaching the end users; (3) Connecting users to their relevant partners with IT.
There are various economic benefits that an NREN can bring to a country, particularly as a knowledge procurer of services and as a barometer of market competitiveness. This paper authored by Dai Davies deals with how an NREN can contribute to national value.
Supporting document to the TANDEM project survey to develop a road-map for the development of NRENs in West and Central Africa.
Supporting document to the TANDEM project survey to develop a roadmap for the development of NRENs in West and Central Africa.
An analysis of the economic value and impact of the ORIENTplus link.
Visual representation of the economic benefits of the EU-China link.
This 2003 report focuses on geographic variations and in particular on the digital divide between the most developed and least developed NRENs in wider Europe.
The SERENE program, coined as an acronym for South-South Exchange of Research and Education Network Experience, was a series of activities led by the World Bank to help South Asian participants produce country policy plans for building research networks in their own countries.
Overview of NREN development and connectivity status across Africa, provided by Michael Foley (based on the Capability Maturity Model).
2007 paper by Olivier H. Martin on how the internet is likely to evolve over the next decade.
Challenges and opportunities faced by Central Asian NRENs.
This report by Michael Foley on behalf of the World Bank provides guidance to governments, institutions, and development partners on how to approach the provision of ICT services to the higher education and research community in Africa.
This paper authored by Dai Davies sets out two groups of operational functions of an NREN. The first is a basic set of functions that summarise the capabilities that all NRENs should be able to deliver. The second group sets out areas where a more mature NREN could be expected to be engaged or have a policy perspective on.
Paper by Alex Twinomugisha of 2006 on key considerations when setting up an NREN.
This paper by Michael Foley from the World Bank defines what an NREN is and looks at threats and opportunities.
When it seems like the end of the world is near and your researchers need unsurpassed connectivity to research and cure the COVID-19 virus, who will they turn to?
This World Bank document highlights the importance of ICT for a country and provides several examples of successful implementation.
An example of a Financial Model of an NREN. This example has the actual financial data that was used to set up the NREN in Zambia.