This section of the portal presents a series of published cases and economic impact studies. We hope these might help NRENs, particularly new and emerging ones, find inspiration to argue their case towards funders and donors.
A sustainable financial model for KARENREANNZ (formerly KAREN), the New Zealand NREN, used this extensive and detailed report to successfully persuade the local government to extend financial support for the NREN. It had established a loyal member base but needed government support to advance member commitment to the NREN. Analysis of the economic benefits of CANARIE
An economic benefits analysis of CANARIE, the Canadian NREN, with the purpose of investigating and quantifying the impact, in economic and monetary terms, that CANARIE has had on the Canadian economy as both a research and education network and research and development funding body. The socioeconomic importance of the Brazilian NREN
To map this cycle of positive effects, RNP hired the Center for Industrial Economics and Technology (NEIT) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) to produce the report titled Analise dos beneffcios economicos e sociais da RNP (Analysis of the RNP’s Economic and Social Benefits). This extensive study maps the organisation’s economic impacts on the production chain of its suppliers, and investigates the social impact based on user utilisation. Facing the challenge of relevance
The Netherlands are in the favourable position of a competitive telecommunications and internet market, and at the same time, a user community paying for SURFnet’s services. Thus, it has been important to make explicit the value that SURFnet adds to both its community, to the Dutch ICT sector and the Dutch economy. This paper describes SURFnet’s current vision and describes its main challenges.