Making the case for an NREN

When embarking on making a case for an NREN, there can be many starting points and multiple target audiences. Naturally, different audiences require different approaches. Therefore, it is not reasonable to assume that one single document or proposal will deliver the necessary arguments for making the case towards all stakeholders.

This portal presents a range of three typical target audiences and starting points which are also reflected in the structure of the extensive document library. These are a foundation for you to mix and match sections that are most appropriate for your local case.

The benefits: Talking to your end users

These documents comprise a series of user case studies which demonstrate how research and education networks benefit a specific user community. Such case studies not only describe in detail how specific user needs are met by advanced research and education connectivity, but also provide third-party back-up (from the actual end users) of the benefits themselves.

In addition, this section contains reports and studies on the advantages to users from the higher education and research communities in particular, and for the country in general. We hope these resources will help you formulate arguments when making the case towards your own network users.

The economic and national case: Talking to you funders

Another approach that is often needed is to first address the economic benefits of operating an NREN, before defining the details of how it should operate. Funders and donors may not be interested in the general advantages of an NREN, but would rather want to know what value-added economic benefits it can bring to advance their mission and national priorities.

The best practice: Talking within and among NRENs

Internal communication and best practice are just as vital as outreach activities. We have collected reports and research with a wealth of advice and best practices on how to organise NRENs, make it sustainable and, by doing so, strengthen the case of the NREN from within.


​Three steps towards sustainability

​Find out more about our step-to-step approach towards a sustainable NREN organisation based on the development of a sound business model.


Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Need assistance?

If you would like help in using these tools, templates and documents, contact us.

If you are an NREN starting up and need advice and guidance, research and education networking representatives in your region are available to assist and mentor you.​​​​​​​​

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